Albert Georgijev

My father was known by most as 'Fred'. 'Alfred' according to his British passport. However, his birth name was 'Albert' and he was born in Niitskovitsa village, Ingria, Russia.
A deep sadness in his past he kept to himself: a past where his family were stripped of all they owned and made homeless. The change that Stalin brought affected the lives of everyone and for those specifically targeted life came to an end. There seemed no place for the likes of the Georgijev family in Stalin's Russia. The state programme of class genocide was carried out ruthlessly by an army of secret police who were accountable only at the highest level.
Vassili and Alide were left with nothing other than a large family that had to be protected.

Albert (blue) and family. c.1930
My father (blue) with sisters and mother
Albert's father Vassili (c1945)
Alide's siblings and parents (Madis, Maarja).
Greater family
Stalin's Purge
War: German Invasion.
Escaping Stalin
Baltics 'liberated' by Germany
Safe in German-Estonia.
Motivated to take up arms against Russia.
Albert in German uniform